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our plastic dilemma
we realize we are part of the problem,
so we want to be part of the solution
the problem

the problem

In our industry, packaging each card and notepad in a plastic sleeve has been the norm. Store owners, rightly so, want to protect the merchandise and keep it clean and undamaged. Shoppers, to no fault of their own, have gotten used to pretty much everything wrapped in plastic. It is the way of the world right now. But the plastic waste on our planet has reached crisis levels. Did you know that every piece of plastic ever made still exists in one form or another? Thinking we can recycle it away is not even close to true.

did you know?

did you know?

8 MILLION tons of plastic enters the ocean every year. To help you imagine how much this is, picture five large, overflowing trash bags, stacked on top of each other along every ONE foot of coastline on the planet. Every. Year. Over 1 MILLION plastic bags a minute are used worldwide. On average, each bag is used for 12 minutes and then thrown away. 1% of plastic bags are recycled. In the next hour, Americans will use and throw away 2,500,000 plastic bottles. Every one of those will still exist 1,000 years from now.

How can we work together?

How can we work together?

So! Our challenge is to start the process of change. We think that a major part of the problem is simply awareness. We would love to hear your opinions, ideas or things that you have done to cut down on plastic waste. Join the discussion on Facebook/Paper Not Plastic. Please join the forum, you can also learn more about the plastic crisis on our planet at



It sounds great! Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple. We have dug deep into researching what options are available to replace plastic, and the 'compostable' trend is alarmingly misleading. For a comprehensive look at its drawbacks, check out this report.

Photo credit: EcoEnclose

our efforts at e. frances paper

our efforts at e. frances paper

We have eliminated the use of plastic sleeves on cards. We have eliminated use of bubble wrap (unless it is brought in for a second life). We source only 100% cotton for our gift tag string and retail ribbon. We have introduced our first plastic-free packaging with our gift tag boxes and plan to discover ways to eliminate all plastic packaging. Last but certainly not least, we provide recycling for all pens, markers, and dental care products.